Responsibilities and Accomplishments
(Halifax Community College)
Served as executive director of the Halifax Community College Foundation Inc.
Planned and directed the College’s fundraising efforts
Directed the College’s grant writing and grant management functions
Provided leadership, supervision and assistance for staff in the areas of resource development (including grant writing and grants management), the HCC Foundation, alumni affairs, public relations, marketing, legislative and community relations, graphic arts and printing, internal and external communications and a special events center
Oversaw the College’s relationships with the media
Developed and implemented a fiscally sound budget plan
Served as a member of the College president’s executive committee
Served as chief spokesperson for the institution in lieu of the president
Represented the College and College president at community functions
Participated in the College’s strategic planning and budgeting processes
Attended professional development activities related to resource development (including grant writing and grants management), community college foundations, alumni affairs, public relations, marketing, legislative and community relations, graphic arts and printing, internal and external communications and a special events center
Served on College committees (Budget, Financial Aid, Institutional Effectiveness and Multicultural Affairs Committees)
Participated in College events and activities
Major Accomplishments (under my leadership):
Developed a general College brochure
Developed an end-of-the-year fundraising appeal that resulted in a 24-percent return on investment
Developed first-ever case for support for the HCC Foundation Inc.
Developed the first-ever integrated communications plan
Enhanced the quality of the data in eTapestry (the donor database) and more than doubled the number of records (an increase of 120 percent)
Established a sponsorship program
Established processes, procedures and systems within the Office of Institutional Advancement and HCC Foundation Inc.
Planned a successful donor recognition luncheon that was attended by 100 percent of the scholarship recipients
Planned a successful golf tournament - the first one ever
Planned and implemented a successful Fund Drive for employees, raising more than $35,251.90 in cash and pledges (as of Feb. 23, 2012)
Played a key role in planning Black History Month events that had record attendance
Raised $116,662.96 from 213 donors between July 1, 2011-Feb. 29, 2012 (as compared to $118,970.43 raised from 199 donors between July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011)
Revamped the HCC Foundation website
Strengthened the camaraderie and unity among the Office of Institutional Advancement team
Wrote and received a $1.25-million federal grant